Episode 52: Star Wars: The Prequels (Part I)

Emma and Winston kick off their new series about Star Wars with a controversial discussion of the prequels- controversial because Winston actually likes them. We discuss much maligned wines, and the strengths of these films- mostly the fight choreography, sound design, and Ewan McGregor- and their myriad weaknesses- namely the dialogue, overall storytelling, and Jar Jar Binks. Will Winston convince you, though, that Revenge of the Sith is a better film than Return of the Jedi? Join us to find out...

BONUS EPISODE: Thanksgiving Wines

Originally a Patreon-only mini Episode, Emma shares her recommendations for the best wines for Thanksgiving and what pieces of art to pair with them. If you don't celebrate Thanksgiving (because, you know, it's fraught with hypocrisy), these are still some excellent recommendations for food-friendly wines for all occasions. Consider this our opportunity to give YOU thanks for listening to Pairing!

Episode 50: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (with Sarah Wolfe)

Emma is joined by her longtime friend Sarah Wolfe to discuss the last and most epic of the Harry Potter novels, The Deathly Hallows. We talk about the flaws in the book(s), but also what is so wonderful and powerful about them, and we have our own Hallows vs. Horcruxes debate. Plus, Emma talks a bunch about California wine. Featuring: camping wine vs. battle wine, discussing the epitaphs, children being the hope of our generation, living in a fascist state, actual books on tape, wine genres, Jim Dale vs. Stephen Fry, J.K.'s homage to J.R.R., why Alan Rickman took the role of Snape, and growing up.

Follow Sarah on Instagram and Twitter @theswolfe. If you would like to experience the glory that is her Harry Potter MadLibs or Trivia creations, join us on Patreon!

Episode 49: Hallowine (with John-Paul Cirelli)

John-Paul Cirelli of Mondo Vulgare returns to talk all things Halloween. We cover a LOT of ground in this one: from Halloween classics like The Nightmare Before Christmas and Hocus Pocus to The Simpsons Halloween Specials to the Universal Monster movies, and Emma compiles a list of Hallowines, aka Halloween appropriate wines. Also featuring: Christina Ricci, a Washington Conspiracy, Hot Topic, Ozzy Osbourne, werewolf mythology, Pumpkin themed spirits, and #bighalloweenenergy.

John-Paul is the creator, writer, and curator for Mondo Vulgare, a horror page with brains. Follow Mondo Vulgare on Facebook and on Twitter @MondoVulgare for lots of spooky, but also informative, fun.

Episode 48: Neil Gaiman (with Anthony Pinggera)

Emma is joined by her good friend and fellow nerd to discuss the works of one of their favorite living authors, Neil Gaiman. They focus on American Gods, Good Omens, and Neverwhere, and express their unequivocal love for all his novels, but some mixed feelings for some of his film work. Listen to hear which wines pair well with the macabre and the whimsical, and which ones have wolves on the label. Plus: sexy Scottish accents, hard to pronounce names, Metallica, Alice in Wonderland meets the Matrix, and Dark Fae Energy. 

Follow Anthony on Instagram @anthohno and make sure to watch his episode of Jeopardy coming out on October 14th!

Episode 47: The Land of Two Thousand Grapes (Part One: The White Wines of Italy)

While most people think of red wine when they think of Italy, in this episode Emma tells you all about the lesser-known and highly underrated white wines of Italy, while Winston shares his knowledge of Italian and European History. Listen to hear what Garganega, Cortese, and Friulano are, and which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle would drink which wine. Featuring: Tina Fey, Lady Gaga, Metallica, Orange Wines, Dante, Frasier, Machiavelli, and the wines of truth. 

Episode 46: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (with Mike Schubert)

Mr. Potterless himself, Mike Schubert, returns to Pairing to talk HP with Emma. Schubes talks about why this is his favorite book of the series, and also makes some pretty stellar pairings of his own as we discuss his experiences with the wines of the Pacific Northwest. Featuring: The Half-Blood Ziarko, pinball bars, novelty pens, "glew up", "upping and coming," and Professor Sprout's ladies' wine night. 

Mike is the host of Potterless, as well as the co-host of HORSE, on Multitude Productions. Follow him on Twitter @Schubes17. 


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