Episode 5: The Fellowship of the Ring Part II (Middle-earth and Old World Wines Part Three)

The third in a several-part series of episodes in which I discuss my own favorite stories, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien, by pairing the major wine regions of Europe with different places in the journey through in Middle-earth. 

For these first episodes, and especially the Tolkien-themed ones, I've tried to compile a list of what I recommended (and also get to add some stuff I forgot when recording). So, to start of here's what we were drinking during this episode:

2014 Villa Antinori Toscana Rosso

  • Caradhras- Port- To keep you warm!

-W&J Graham’s, Taylor Fladgate, Dow’s, Quinta de la Rosa (great description of the difference between different kinds of Port here)

  • Moria- Valpolicella (& the Veneto)

-Allegrini, Quintarelli, Villa Spinosa

  • Lothlórien: Alsace

-Trimbach, Pierre Sparr, Marcel Deiss, Ostertag, Zind Humbrecht

-BTW, the 4 Noble Grapes of Alsace are Pinot Gris, Riesling, Gewürtztraminer, & Muscat. No Pinot Blanc :(

  • The Great River: The Loire Valley (esp Sancerre and Pouilly-Fumé)

-Sancerre: Lucien Crochet, Pascal Jolivet. But TOURAINE: Le Coeur de la Reine, Nicolas Idiart