Episode 33: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (with Sarah Shachat, Gabriel Urbina, & Zach Valenti)

Emma is joined by the brilliant trio behind Wolf 359 and No Bad Ideas, Sarah Shachat, Gabriel Urbina, and Zach Valenti, to talk about the third book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and the wine region of South Africa. They all agree that this is one of the best books in the series, but have differing opinions on the movie. There are hot takes on the films, debates about Butterbeer, and wine with wolves on the label. Plus: tackling injustice, hippogriff tattoos, Cabo Tormentoso, the Great Muggle Clothes Controversy, the Seriously Sirius drinking game, explaining jokes, compassion and chocolate, Rupert Grint's Ice Cream Truck, wishing we had a Marauder's Map in College, expertly-executed segues, and a Groovy New Dumbledore. Follow these three on Twitter @sarahshachat @GabrielUrbinaTM and @zachvalenti. Make sure to check out their new collective Fear of Public Shame (@feartheshame) to follow No Bad Ideas and Time Bombs. Also make sure to check out Wolf 359.